A Typical About Me website, circa 2021

Me talking about myself

Statistic, Computer Science, Philosophy enthusiast and meme theorist. Write semi-serious blog post about Machine Learning

![My Image]((https://github.com/ngohienduong/ngohienduong.github.io/blob/master/images/avatar1.jpg?raw=true = 30 x 30)

Me talking about this blog

This blog is a place for me to rant about random interesting stuff in Probability, Machine Learning, and occassional witchcraft a.k.a Deep Learning Applications. The goal is just to provide a simple stance on unfamiliar Math concepts, thus no normal substance would be included in the process. Check back weekly for clickbait update.

Favorite quote

Math is just made up stuff that obeys logic

Contact me

If you want to discuss about anything - opportunities, partnership, or even just some fun thing you read, reach out to me at ngohienduong@gmail.com